Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Technological Issues

Hello my lovelies! 

Before I start, I'd love to hear from y'all about Meg's guest post. Please do pop a comment on the post or send me an email if you would like to ask any questions as I'll be seeing her soon so she'll be able to answer you rather quickly!

Long time, no post... I know, I know. But I'll be back soon enough! I do sincerely apologise for the lack of posts and YouTube content recently but I have been having a nightmare with technology plus ten ton of assessments from Uni so everything's a wee bit crazy. However, there are multiple videos lined up for my YouTube channel and twice as many posts lined up for here so don't you worry my dears. 

I'd like to thank you all for being so wonderfully supportive and understanding during this period of nuisance and I promise to repay you with worthwhile content and lots of love very, very soon! It's the Easter holidays for me at the moment so I'm going to try and get a whole load of content posted over the next two weeks.

Please do keep commenting, tweeting me, sharing, liking and spreading the love and the word. It means so much to me that you're all so wonderfully appreciative and supportive of this blog <3

Love you all!


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